Program Lineup

Taking On Greater Responsibility in Japanese: Step-Up Skills for Non-Managers

Course Summary

Gaining new skills is the first step to meeting new job demands!

Do you have what it takes to step up to the plate to lead, work in teams and juggle new assignments with your current responsibilities? What about having a "can-do" attitude that prepares you for additional growth?
Now you can acquire new skills and prepare to make a positive difference at work. In this career development course, you will lay the foundation to achieve good performance now and integrate additional skills to exceed present role expectations. You will develop a customized approach to think strategically, to solve problems and to make sound decisions so you can adapt to change and grab new opportunities.


  • Fee
  • 137,500 yen (
  • Venue
  • TBD
  • Language
  • Delivery Language: Japanese Material Language: English
  • Hosted by
  • Quintegral Ltd.
  • Location
  • Online/Tokyo/Osaka/Nagoya/Others
  • Duration
  • 2 days(9:30-17:30)
  • PDU
  • Power Skills: 14.0

Select date & time

  • Jul.31,2025-Aug.01,2025 09:30~17:30 @Online

Important Notice

  • ● Material Language: English; Delivery Language: Japanese; Participants are asked to read English instructions before exercises.
  • ● Live online seminar is delivered using Zoom.

How You Will Benefit

  • ● Feel confident when asked to "step up to the plate" with new projects outside your regular work activities
  • ● Take your skills and potential to new heights with proven-in-action, "get-ahead" career development strategies
  • ● Understand your role in today’s new workplace...and gain the new skills and competencies required for success
  • ● Meet the rising pressure of tight budgets and lean organizations
  • ● Map out a plan of action to enhance your efficiency and career development potential

Who Should Attend

  • Those interested in professional development training and getting the skills to improve their performance and growth within their organization should attend this course.

Course Outline

1. Self-Development to Take on Greater Responsibility
 - Identify the Importance of Self-Development as Critical to Upward Mobility
 - Identify the Five Key Areas for Success in Taking on Greater Responsibility
 - Assess Skill Level in the Five Key Areas for Taking on Greater Responsibility
2. Being Business Smart and Savvy
 - Define Business “Savvy” and Discover the Impact of the Current Economic Environment on Organizations
 - Define Your Organization’s Mission, Vision, and Strategy
 - Articulate Your Role as a High-Level Contributor in the Process of Achieving Strategic Results for Your Organization
 - Identify Business Trends That Will Allow You to Create Value-Added Contributions at Work
3. Communicating Strategically
 - Identify Your Communication Style
 - Apply Skills to Flex to Other’s Communication Preferences
 - Develop and Communicate a Strong Personal Brand
4. Managing Change
 - Discuss Common Reasons for Resisting Change, and Identify Strategies for Remaining Resilient
 - Identify a Managing Change Model and Transformational Strategies
 - Develop a Brand That Projects a Proactive Change Attitude Brand
5. Working in Teams
 - Identify the Roles You Can and Should Bring into Each Team Encounter
 - Analyze When and How to Use Team Roles to Promote Team Productivity
 - Synthesize Analytic Thinking, Communication, and Decision-Making Skills in the Team Problem-Solving Setting
6. Managing Time
 - Identify and Take Responsibility for Time Management Strategies
 - Create a Working Environment That Utilizes Technology Solutions to Get More Done in Less Time
 - Utilize Communication Skills with Time Management Needs to Tactfully Say “No” and Control Work Flow
7. Preparing the Plan for Greater Responsibility
 - Synthesize Strategic Development and Performance Goals into a Coherent Plan for Application of Skills at Work
 - Synthesize Strategic Development and Performance Goals into a Coherent Presentation
 - Present Your Strategic Development and Performance Plan for Feedback

Prerequisite / Pre-Assignment

English reading skills are required.

Additional Information

  • Course outline is partly subject to change without prior notice.

contact us

Monday - Friday 9:00-17:30

Closed: Saturday, Sunday, National Holidays, New Years holidays (12/29-1/4)